Back issues
I considered including this with the classifieds post yesterday, but then I thought it deserved it's own space, since it was a new feature. Since we technically only had one back issue at this point, we decided to add some fake publications to occupy more space.
Issue #1
Includes Ode to my Fish, Come to Begly, Monsters, Happy Birthday, etc… $1
The only legitimate back issue. Still available, order now!
All About Begly
Can’t get enough of Begly? Well, here’s your chance. Everything you ever wanted to know about Begly but were afraid to ask in this special Begly issue. Where was she born? What’s her favorite color? Toothpaste? Side of the bed? These and other exiting Begly facts for only $1
I had a lot of Begly facts, that I was constantly trying to make something out of. I don't remember which came first, the book or the game. Oh wait, I don't see the game ad so I guess that's next issue. I guess the book came first then.
It’s a Lesbian Thang
Monica’s collection of the best of the worst lesbian poetry. $1
We did have a lot of lesbian contributors. And they did have really bad poetry.
Why is the H invisible? You will never know unless you order this special issue chuck full of Naila information and fun facts.
I don't remember anything about Nahila exept that she existed and that she pronounced her name Nahila. Oh, and that it annoyed Monica.
SPECIAL get two issues at the special low price of $1.75
You save .25 cents!!!!!!!