and here's how it looked on the actual issue:

if you can’t be good, be as bad as you can possibly be
Send me your smut! I need more porno! Good porno, none of that tacky crap in the back of Playboy. Erotic fantasies about Q-tips preferred.
Send to Nancy
I bet you this one gets a lot of responses. I thought about googling the phrase "erotic fantasies about q-tips" but I was afraid of the amount of pop up porn I would encounter.
Artistic Designer
Fantasy art, portrait, rock and movie stars, logos, cassette tape covers, gothic goddesses.
Commissions from L5/$5 including postage
Write to Katia
All mail will be answered
This one was one of those people that actually took their ad seriously. I bet she ended up on etsy. People in Europe get kinda screwed with her pricing. I have a feeling ones on the US got screwed too anyway.
Hiroshima Club Zine
Send us your bad poetry
We’ll print anything
I still will. Go ahead and send it.
Personalized games!
Be the center of attention! Send away for our questionnaire, send it back to us and in 2 to 4 weeks you will receive a fun filled game all about yourself!!!! We guarantee that you will win every time!
Send $19.99 to Personalized Games
I think it's a great idea. Why doesn't anyone else?
Even more Back Issues
Don’t miss out. Back issues available for a limited time only. Hurry while supplies last.
Actually, 15 years later and we still have some.
Issue #1 includes: Ode to my Fish, Come to Begly, Monsters, Happy Birthday, etc… $1
Issue #2 includes: Stems of Love, Itsy Bitsy Spider Fucked Up, The Rave and many more!!! $1
This is the only thing that was new. I'm very disappointed in myself. I usually make up all sorts of fake back issues. Hopefully next time I will.
All About Begly Can’t get enough of Begly? Well, here’s your chance. Everything you ever wanted to know about Begly but were afraid to ask in this special Begly issue. Where was she born? What’s her favorite color? Toothpaste? Side of the bed? These and other exiting Begly facts for only $1
It’s a Lesbian Thang Monica’s collection of the best of the worst lesbian poetry. $1
Nailarama Out of Print
If by our of print, you mean never even got to the planning stages, then yes, we are out of print on this one.