Would you get Dirty with me?
Ew no, you're like my brother!
By Fruitman in Wonderland
Once again, the lines are more to do with making the poem look symmetrical than an actual need for the line to end at that particular point.
Would you…let me tie you up
Against the banister with
Would you… let me pour
Juices all over your naked
Body so I can drink them?
That just seems messy. I just keep picturing it would have to be a very oddly shaped concave body to be able to hold liquids. It would be like one of those things where they serve sushi on naked people only this one guy would have this hollow spot like on his stomach or his chest where they would serve juice and it would look kinda gross so maybe it would be a good thing to have at say, a weight watchers social, where people are actually trying to be put off sugary beverages. Have some water instead! It's just crazy enough to work...Fruitman, you're a genius!
Would you… wear leather
Underwear so I can taste
What is the correlation between leather and taste. Is it like MSG where it brings up the flavor?
Would you…open yourself to
Would you…get dirty with
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