Reader Profile
Reader of the month
You've seen her work, now you get to know Nancy's deepest darkest thoughts!
This month I was asked to be reader of the month. According to the answers given in previous reader profiles, I have some suggestions that could lead to a more interesting view of the person involved.
(Oh yeah? Well I am all powerful and what I say goes. I would like to add she made up all these extra questions – editor)
She made tons of extra questions. She holds the record for our longest reader profile ever. I do have to admit, she's got some really funny answers.
Sexy, blonde and long
Scorpia or anything you want
Fave insect
Fave flower
Venus fly trap
What’s in your pocket/purse? What would you like to have in there?
Oooohh baby…
Do you prefer baths or showers? And who with?
The who is more important than the bath or shower.
Underwear preference
Dream TV show appearance
To be skinny enough to appear on the playboy channel
Lucky clothes
I have more luck naked
Fave color
Last book read
Taltos by Anne Rice
Dream holiday
Anything that don’t involve a hospital
Who would you like to tuck you in at night?
I would rather have someone untuck me
Is there any reason why people are afraid of you?
Only when I talk
Think of a movie
Pulp Fiction
What word best describes your sense of humor?
If someone wrote a story about you and had some revealing things to say that might damage your self-image, what would you do?
Tell all, no matter what.
The police question you about a friend involved in politically radical activities, do you cooperate?
I’m probably involved
If you are a high school principal, will you hire a competent teacher that might be gay?
Yes, sexuality has no effect on education
You find out your spouse once made a porno, what do you do?
Rent it
Your boss’ fly is open, what do you do?
If you are attractive, do you use your looks to get ahead in your career?
Walking along the beach, you see a couple having sex. Do you watch?
Depends on what they look like
And now for the best part, Nancy stationary! Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, that was typed on a page of Nancy Stationary. She actually had notebooks made when she was Imperial Miss Florida. I have one. Of course I had t o publish it.

Now I wish I know what was that she wrote down there and I covered with my message of superiority. It's something about thanking me for giving her this opportunity or some other pageant formality like that.